Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Man in the Iron Mask": Robert Downey, Jr's Career Continues to Climb with Iron Man 2

I've been a fan of Robert Downey, Jr. ever since Tough Turf and his "Life imitating Art" role in Less Than Zero. Certainly he has had a career filled with highs and lows exacerbated by his own personal demons. But now with the successful release of Iron Man 2, Downey, Jr. definitely seems to be at the top of his game and enjoying his success.

Downey, Jr. is a great talent and adds depth and substance to the role of Tony Stark/Iron Man that few could. Is he drawing from his own personal experiences to flesh out billionaire industrialist/superhero Tony Stark? Probably. Is he going to make Iron Man 2 the summer blockbuster to beat? Definitely.

But if there are parallels to be drawn once again about "Life imitating Art" - Let's look passed the shiny armor and recognize the man inside for his talents and accomplishments.